
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Rise and Fall of Instant Messaging: EOTO Project

Instant Messaging is a term that people have not really used within recent years. While it was incredibly trendy within the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, it is a mode of communication that has been adapted and changed so much to the point where other forms have taken over. Such forms include Facetime, Skype, and social media platforms in general (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.). Without Instant Messaging, however, these forms of communication would not exist to the length that they do today.  Instant Messaging formulated within the 1960’s--much earlier than I originally had anticipated. The first system of IM was formed at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1961. Up to 30 users could message each other on the platform at once, which was quite impressive given that it was the start of the 60’s. Four years later, hundreds of people had made accounts through the systems and were eagerly messaging other users whenever they wished. This system continued without lit