An Electronic Tattoo

When applying for a job, it is now a known fact to make sure your online reputation is spotless. If an employer sees an inappropriate image on one’s Facebook or Instagram, that employer will most likely not hire that person. Just the other day I found out a girl in a sorority in Texas got fired from a job because her company saw a month old Snapchat that she had posted to her Snapchat story. The company paid another company to unlock her social media accounts, where all of her previous posts were displayed. Even though Snapchat claims that a story is only visible for 24 hours, it essentially lasts forever. 
An online footprint, or “electronic tattoo” as Juan Enriquez calls it, is incredibly important in regards to one’s reputation online. A post from years ago could easily resurface once uploaded to a social media platform, which we have seen over and over in today’s current climate. For example, Kevin Hart was let go from hosting the 2019 Oscar’s due to an emergence of a previous tweet he posted on Twitter. The tweets in question were posted between the years of 2009 and 2011, with all of them having homophobic remarks. Despite already publicly apologizing in 2018, people still held it against him a year later. Another example is demonstrated in singer Camilla Cabello’s twitter scandal. In 2012 Cabello published a tweet using the “n” word, which resurfaced in 2019. The singer sent out a page long apology, but nothing can fully take back what she, or Hart, did. 
In his TED talk, Enriquez emphasizes that electronic tattoos go much further than social media posts, as facial recognition has become a new tool that companies use to identify their users. Just as iPhone’s use face ID to unlock an individual’s phone, companies can now register your face across the entire web. I have personally seen some sense of recognition pop up on my electronics, specifically in terms of search results. If I search anything into Safari or even say a topic out loud (while my phone is off), i will get an advertisement about that certain topic on my phone screen. For instance, the other day I was discussing the possibility of going vegan to see its effects on my health. The following hour or so, I encountered an advertisement for a vegan food product while scrolling on Instagram. This goes to show that even though you may say something privately while your phone is off, your electronics are always listening. Hence, an electronic tattoo is born.


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