Anti-War Discussion

War is a word with a heavy undertone, as it usually reminds people of a particular event in history or the general sense of consequence. Some wars that people know in detail are Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW1, WW2, and more. All of these fights throughout world history are incredibly well known as they changed the world forever. The Revolutionary War established the United States as an independent country, the Civil War granted the freedom of slaves, and WW1/WW2 altered the economic and political sphere forever. All aspects of war never truly have a happy ending, as a multitude of lives are lost and the economy takes a great toll. Despite a potentially happy ending or win for one’s country, all of these downsides lead some to be heavily anti-war. Such anti-war commentary can be seen on sites such as and The American Conservative. lists a myriad of countries on its front page with lists revolving war in the country underneath the headline. It links to news articles surrounding the topic of war in each country, and seems to be updated everyday to keep up with the rapid pace of the political field. Antiwar’s mission statement claims to be devoted to sharing opposition to imperialism to any who choose to read the website, and proclaim their dedication to liberatrian principles. 
In comparison to the jumbled and sporadic placement of content on, The American Conservative seems to be a much more modern and cleaner site. American Conservative’s mission statement states to “oppose unchecked power in government..embrace restraint in foreign affairs based on America’s vital national interests.” Those who frequent this site or sign up to be a member are obviously not fond of war and any discrepancies within the government in relation to the action. Comparing the two sites, however, Antiwar proclaims the libertarian rather than the conservative view of The American Conservative. 

Both websites and organizations are not publicized on mainstream media, which is not hard to believe. The mainstream would not want to make the public despise the aspect of foreign affairs, let alone criticize the government in any way. It would disrupt the current narrative already in place in relation to discussion of war as an action, therefore it wouldn’t gain any traction within the media. At the end of the day, the people who publish the media would rather talk about a topic that grants them an income and revenue--which is not anti war opinions. The media would rather discuss actual political news instead of bringing someone in with anti war organization to discuss their points. Thus, people have to go to these obscure websites to find such viewpoints. If people want to read about and investigate hardcore anti war opinions, then they can find these organizations to be apart of. 


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