The Era of Netflix


Netflix is a website my friends and I frequent everyday, as it is a never ending source of entertainment for us. From TV shows to movies, to cartoons to reality TV, Netflix has it all. Even though some competitors have emerged throughout the years, Netflix still remains at the top. It is a platform that is both easy to access, and convenient in terms of payment. 
Netflix was founded in 1997 by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings after Hastings forgot to return a rented movie and got charged $40 in late fees. After Hastings sold his software company for hundreds of millions, he then invested around 3 million dollars towards Netflix to get it started. The term "Netflix" was coined as "net" being a slang for "internet," and "flix" being a slang term for movies. Through the entrepreneurial minds of the two, they developed the online service in 1998 with a monthly subscription as the method of payment. By 2005, the movie platform had 35,000 movies on its site and had shipped out circa 1 million DVD’s to its users. I remember when Netfiix still mailed DVDs to its users before they moved to the now known method of streaming. My grandma would have the DVDs mailed to her house, often many at a time. She claimed she had to catch up on her tv shows, and Netflix was the way to do it at the time. While Netflix no longer does this method of mailing, they still are incredibly prevalent in the movie/TV world.

Netflix was the first major rental service to introduce streaming as a way of watching one’s shows or movies. One could simply log onto the site or app and have all movies or tv shows at the touch of a finger. People did not have to wait for their DVDs in the mail anymore, which was a huge deal at the time. This created an immense amount of excitement, as it was such a revolutionary feature for its users. Since this art of streaming was developed in 2007, many other platforms followed in Netflix’s footsteps. Sites such as Hulu, Amazon Prime, Crackle, AppleTV, and even networks have started their own streaming services to compete within the field. Netflix even started launching their own TV shows and original movies, leading to several Emmy and Oscar nominations. Shows such as The Crown, Dead to Me, Roma, The Irishman, and a myriad of others are examples of Netflix originals that have been nominated--and even won such prestigious awards. Despite other networks and sites now turning to the action of streaming, people are still loyal to Netflix and I sincerely doubt anyone will be unsubscribing from the service anytime soon. 


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