Facebook's Loophole


Fake news is a serious issue that has been crippling America for years. As seen in the 2016 election, the element of fake news being posted on social media and other misleading links is tricking people into believing extremely false news articles. One fake news article that I vividly remember causing a massive issue during the 2016 election was the fake story that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring at the bottom of a pizza place in Washington, DC (known as "Pizzagate"). The "headline" spread all over Facebook, and ultimately caused disaster. A man saw this face news article and stormed into the pizza place where it was claimed that Clinton had established the sex ring, and fired an assault rifle. Luckily nobody was killed or injured, but it goes to show that the spread of fake news is much more serious than people assume.
An area where fake news tends to thrive and feed off of is Facebook, a popular social media platform where millions of people scroll through everyday. Facebook executives are aware of this issue, as they have been taking many diligent steps to combat the spread of such false information towards its users. They have updated their policies and terms, and even terminated some accounts on its platform who have been posting fake news headlines and articles. Even though all of these new updates have been working, there is now a new issue of a loophole. 

Links have been able to be posted onto user’s facebook posts for a while now, with a photo and headline being shown once uploaded. This is known as a link preview, so the viewer can get a glimpse of what the link is discussing. Facebook (in their new policies) blocked users being able to edit their link previews to prevent the posting of fake news, or so they thought. The loophole that Facebook is currently dealing with is that people are still able to do so through a glitch in the system. This is a significant issue, as most people just see the link preview headline and immediately assume it's real--even if they do not read the actual article. My step mom, for example, is one of those people. She always assumes everything she sees is real, even if it is plastered on a known to be fake tabloid magazine. The presence of fake link previews, therefore, make it her gullible character even worse. I’m sure many other Americans deal with this uncertainty as well, which adds on to the spreading of these false news headlines. People see the headline and immediately share the post, which then lets thier friends on Facebook see it. Their friends can then also share the original post, leading to it spreading like wildfire. The cycle then continuously repeats, despite others pointing out that it is, indeed, fake. This loophole on Facebook needs to be fixed immediately, as it is only making the fake news problem worse for society.


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